Planning with the future in mind: CSMM establishes AI Competence Center
October 17, 2024. CSMM achieves another milestone in its future-oriented strategy: With the establishment of the "AI Competence Center," the company consolidates its extensive expertise in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to further optimize planning and design processes and offer clients future-proof solutions based on cutting-edge technological developments.
At CSMM, intelligent planning is deeply embedded in the company's DNA. For over a decade, we have relied on Building Information Modeling (BIM) and its associated databases to manage our processes efficiently. “With the new AI Competence Center, we are taking the next step by strategically integrating Artificial Intelligence into our workflows,” explains Reiner Nowak, one of the four managing partners at CSMM. “Our corporate culture is reflected in the proactive involvement of our employees in key areas like sustainability and Artificial Intelligence, as well as in their commitment to ongoing education. We actively support this engagement, including through our Competence Centers, where we consolidate and deepen our knowledge.”
Architect and AI expert Kajetan Szostok, along with Adam Pietrzak from the Warsaw office, is spearheading the development of the "AI Competence Center." With his work at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, art, design, and architecture, Szostok brings the necessary expertise. His work has been exhibited in the USA, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, and Saudi Arabia. Additionally, he has been featured in publications such as Parametric Architecture, PROMPT, and AIA Magazine, which recognized him in 2023 as one of the top ten AI architects. His most recent presentation was at the Digital Design Days 2024 in Milan.
Kajetan Szostok will further integrate AI into CSMM’s core. He and his team are exploring new applications and embedding them into various processes while also assisting different departments in learning the new technology. “The new AI Competence Center’s mission is to analyze our workflow and implement AI where it can be used effectively. This applies to all departments across our six locations—from administration to planning. The Center also trains our employees, teaching them to prompt AI, which is emerging as its own unique language and a key mode of communication with AI. This approach exemplifies our networking philosophy, where everyone can learn from each other,” explains Szostok.
New AI-based applications make it possible to develop a wide range of design options quickly, as data analysis is significantly faster. This provides our clients with a comprehensive overview of planning parameters and supports well-informed, early-stage decisions. “AI will transform our work processes, and as planners, we need to adapt. At the same time, it will accelerate the achievement of specific outcomes, especially during the preliminary design phase,” adds Reiner Nowak.
AI tools such as Qbiq and Laiout can be used for repurposing an existing building, enabling the creation of initial floor plan options for a new space program. For new construction, PropertyMax can be employed to quickly determine the feasible building volume on a site, taking into account factors such as lighting, spacing, and specific building regulations. In the interior design field, tools like Dall-E and Midjourney can swiftly generate mood boards and visualizations, helping to convey design concepts easily and in a timely manner.
Additional AI applications at CSMM include precise cost and schedule planning, as well as efficient assessment of a project's CO2 balance. By linking 3D models with a specialized database, crucial design parameters like carbon footprint, energy consumption, and costs can be quickly communicated. This provides our clients with an early understanding of how the building will look or what conditions are associated with a property purchase, helping them make informed decisions for the future.
In conjunction with the opening of the new AI Competence Center, CSMM is hosting an exclusive event at its Berlin office. At an interactive AI Tasting session with Reiner Nowak and Kajetan Szostok, participants will have the opportunity to experience AI in architectural planning firsthand. This direct interaction with our team offers insights into CSMM’s working methods, inspiring discussions, and the exchange of ideas.
Die neuen KI-basierten Anwendungen erlauben es, in kurzer Zeit eine Vielzahl an Entwurfsoptionen zu entwickeln, da die Auswertung von Daten deutlich schneller funktioniert. Das bietet unseren Auftraggebern einen umfassenden Überblick über die Planungsparameter und unterstützt fundierte, frühzeitige Entscheidungen. „KI wird unsere Arbeitsprozesse verändern. Daran müssen wir uns als Planende anpassen. Gleichzeitig wird sie das Erreichen bestimmter Ergebnisse beschleunigen, gerade in der Vorentwurfsphase“, führt Reiner Nowak aus.
KI-Tools wie Qbiq und Laiout lassen sich für die geplante Umnutzung eines Bestandsbau verwenden, um erste Grundrissvarianten für ein neues Raumprogramm zu entwerfen. Bei Neubauten kann mittels PropertyMax direkt überprüft werden, mit welcher Kubatur ein Grundstück unter Berücksichtigung von Belichtung, Abstandsflächen und spezifischer Bauordnung beplanbar ist. Im Interiorbereich sind Mood-Bilder und Visualisierungen mit Dall-E oder Midjourney auf schnellem Weg möglich, um die gestalterische Idee eines Entwurfs einfach und zeitnah zu vermitteln.
Weitere Anwendungen von KI bei CSMM umfassen die präzise Kosten- und Terminplanung sowie die effiziente Ermittlung der CO2-Bilanz eines Projekts. Durch die Koppelung des 3D-Modells mit einer spezialisierten Datenbank können entwurfsentscheidende Parameter wie CO2-Fußabdruck, Energieverbrauch und Kosten schnell übermittelt werden. Das bietet unseren Aufraggebern die Chance, schon früh eine Vorstellung davon zu entwickeln, wie das Gebäude später aussehen soll oder mit welchen Rahmenbedingungen ein Grundstückskauf verknüpft ist. CSMM trägt so dazu bei, auch in Zukunft die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Im Zuge der Eröffnung des neuen AI Competence Centers lädt CSMM zu einer exklusiven Veranstaltung am Standort Berlin ein. Bei einem interaktiven AI-Tasting mit Reiner Nowak und Kajetan Szostock können die Teilnehmenden Künstliche Intelligenz in der Architekturplanung live erleben. Der direkte Austausch mit unserem Team bietet die Möglichkeit, Einblicke in die Arbeitsweise von CSMM zu erhalten, sich inspirieren zu lassen und Anregungen zu geben.