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Modernes New Work Office bei Fish & Richardson – flexible Raumkonzepte für die Arbeitswelt von morgen.

Montibus Fish & Richardson



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brief & evaluation site survey space allocation programme colour & material concept project budget & cost estimation definiton of fit-out standards tenant support in negotiating lease agreement design package furniture design tenant fit-out planning tender stage tender stage & support in awarding scope of work on-site quality control construction supervision preparation of the award participation in the award tenant integration planning & accompanying the implementation project cost control and management project management

Concept: A modern and functional office concept was developed for the law firm Fish & Richardson, tailored to the tenant’s specific requirements. During the tenant acquisition phase, the focus was on evaluating the spatial and functional feasibility of the occupancy plan, coordinating with the tenant, and budgeting the fit-out quality. Additionally, tenant-specific requests were defined, and lease agreement plans were prepared.

The spatial concept combined single and double offices, open-space areas, a reception, central zones, meeting rooms, and a kitchenette to ensure efficient workflows and a high-quality work environment. The tenant fit-out included a customized design and material concept, along with detailed construction and execution planning. Project management covered procurement, coordination, and implementation, supported by precise site supervision and transparent cost tracking.


845 qm



Creation Date

Building Architect

Helmut Jahn


BD (GU TB+Schreinerleistung), DJO ( TGA Planer), RekoTech, Heinemann ELT, S+W ( Möbel)
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