Frequently Asked Questions
The reasons why a company moves or refurbishes its own property are many and varied. Equally varied are the opportunities which spatial changes offer. Which office concept fits your company? What do you want to improve? What company culture should the property reflect?
We will work with you to find out. Together we develop your individual profile and create forward-looking operating- and office concepts on this basis.
Our services in detail:
- Production of utilisation strategies
- Design of spatial and office concepts
- Process optimisation / optimising of functional processes
- Improvement of communicative infrastructure
- Intelligent space management
- Occupancy planning
- Planning of specialised areas
- Redesigning the working environment
Companies who have built up their operations in their own building are unwilling to relocate. There is much in favour of working from your own property. There is no monthly rent. There are no concerns over extending the tenancy agreement. You are not dependent on the preferences and requirements of a landlord. In short, the company knows where it stands. On the other hand; Workflows change over time. Staff may need more or less space. New technical standards mean changed communication structures.
Here at CSMM we can help you find out whether the company is actually better off in its own property than relocating to a rental property. We might also find that your existing situation can be redesigned to meet your current needs.
Our services in detail:
- Design of individual space-use programme
- Cash-flow analysis: how much does a work place cost in the current property, how much in a rental property?
- Property search
- Commercial comparison of different properties
- Analysis of different scenarios with regards to leasing
- Analysis of different scenarios with regards to refurbishment
- Support with leasing and relocation
- Preparation of own property for new buyer or tenant
- Adjustment and re-planning of structures if remaining in own property
Packing shelves, computers and stationary into boxes. Booking removal vans. Unpacking all your equipment at the new site. Is that it? Many companies underestimate the time and costs of a relocation. Relocation always involves more than just the move itself. Along with new IT equipment, new interiors or increased rental costs it is usually the little things that are forgotten in the calculation. Wiring for the new IT, accommodating the staff, the right access control, a new company nameplate or the instructing of business partners and customers are seldom considered all together in advance. To say nothing of the personnel resources involved before, during and after the move.
At CSMM we not only support you as the users of a property in the hunt for a new site. Our years of experience also help us to help you calculate the costs and times involved.
Our services in detail:
- Analysis of necessary new purchases
- Determining hidden costs
- Timetabling for the whole "relocation" project
- Full cost calculation
The increasing "fight for talent" means that companies on the search for good staff can - and must - impress potential recruits with their working environment and climate. On a day-to-day basis there is seldom time to improve the design and infrastructure of office spaces or to adapt the organisation and workflows to changed conditions and requirements. A planned relocation or refurbishment however gives a company a golden opportunity to improve conditions for its staff. It is a chance to instil a sense of optimism in the long term. To achieve this and to counter anxieties and resistance to change however, staff must be involved in the entire change process through targeted communication and internal project marketing.
Here at CSMM we can help you to find a suitable property and to develop this or your own property with the aim of cutting communication routes, optimising classification systems and the improving the operating environment to meet your requirements.
Our services in detail:
- Property search
- Spatial and organisation concepts (incl. IT, ventilation, classification system, communication routes)
- Communication of planned changes to staff / employee associations / management
Companies looking for new office premises often compare properties solely on the basis of two things: square meters and price. In fact the required rental area is generally determined on the basis of either: GIF, a standard of the Society of Property Researchers, Germany, or the gross floor area (BGF) primarily established in Munich. However the actual spatial efficiency can differ from the widely-used calculation of square meters per standard work place by around 30 to 40 percent. The geometry, depth of the building, architecture and zoning plans of the properties available should also be considered. Therefore determining the required rental area based on the space requirement of standardised work places is not particularly forward-looking. It is more important to consider what kind of office world is to be created in the new property and what the site conditions are.
CSMM supports you in searching for suitable properties. We produce spatial analysis with the help of specially developed tools. We then use these to calculate how much space is needed for individual work places and how many square meters the whole rental area should encompass.
Our services in detail:
- Analysis of the spatial requirement
- Comparison of the spatial requirement for different properties
- Determination of parameters with regards to commercial factors
- Comparison of options and scoring models for decision-making
The spatial changes involved in relocation or refurbishment offer great opportunities to improve a company's added value. What is more, they are often underestimated. Relocation or refurbishment can mean far more than simply changing the carpets. You can, for example, help promote the necessary communication within the company while respecting the need of individuals for quiet and concentration. It is precisely this balance of relationships that we address within your company. Which office concept meets these demands best? How would you like to communicate?
We will work with you to find out. Together we develop your individual profile and translate this into a tailored office concept.
Our services in detail:
- Requirements analysis
- Communication workshop
- Design of spatial- and office concepts
- Improvement of communicative infrastructure
- Validation of the concept (e. g. room acoustics)
Space requirement, commercial effectiveness of the property, facilities, security, IT, staff communication, process optimisation: in the daily competition for the best product or the most intelligent service as in much else, companies love to watch what their competitors are up to. It is the same when deciding on a site. Companies are eager to discover how competitors define themselves in terms of location, architecture and the interior design of their premises. They like to know what pitfalls were encountered in a move and how these were overcome.
CSMM can give you that knowledge from our portfolio of numerous completed projects.
Our services in detail:
- Comparison of the selected property with relevant properties from our database
- Illustration and presentation based on practical examples
- Development of sound recommendations for your company
In the search for suitable property, tenants and customers compare first and foremost price and square meters. However these values do not necessarily reveal how much a property actually costs and how economical it is. For the creation of corporate worlds, fitout standards, architecture, geometry, zoning plans, building depth or room heights play a hugely important role. These aspects however are rarely considered fully in property comparisons. In addition, the requirements for commercial property may change over the years. These scenarios should also be included in the comparison.
CSMM determines for you the actual spatial efficiency of properties and calculates the actual standard of a property.
Our services in detail:
- Production of interchangeable work place scenarios
- Production of coherent spatial analysis
- Production of a full cost calculation of the overall project
Building services, air conditioning, light, water and electricity: conservation of resources is increasingly important for both tenants and owners of properties. Building, running and demolishing properties uses 40 percent of the primary energy in Germany today - with the corresponding drain on the environment. The financial incentive is also huge because suitable measures offer huge savings and optimisation potentials for demolition, new builds and revitalisation.
CSMM will help you conserve resources and finances.
Our services in detail:
- Environmental auditing of commercial premises
- Green building calculation
- Secondary cost analysis
- Design measures concept
Work place-spacing, air-exchange, lighting, ceiling height, non-smoker protection, sanitary facilities, emergency exits, staff care, fire extinguishing equipment: Employers must adhere to a variety of DIN standards and directives when equipping commercial premises in order to protect the health and safety of their employees. And whether employee organisations or individual staff: all have a major interest in ensuring that these provisions are met. As an operator however you also need to keep an eye on the budget.
Here at CSMM we are happy to advise you in any questions relating to regulations and guidelines.
Our services in detail:
- Concepts for light- and air quality
- Determination of optimum acoustics
- Illustration of the optimum work place sizes
- Moderation of the changes arising in the context of site changes or refurbishment with respect to employee organisations and staff
Minimum rental costs and few secondary costs, flexibility in terms of the area, high fitout quality, short lease terms: A commercial tenant wants to save costs and act flexibly as far as possible. As high a rent as possible, rigid tenancy agreements, economical fitout quality, long lease terms: The landlord of a commercial property wants to be able to plan securely as far as possible. The opposing interests of the two parties can quickly lead to tensions in the leasing process.
Thanks to our experience the team at CSMM can detect these kinds of conflicts at an early stage. We can act as moderators to balance out the interests of both parties.
Our services in detail:
- Knowledge of the situation and the requirements of tenants
- Knowledge of the preferences and degrees of discretion of landlords
- Knowledge of the usual market fitout standards and rental prices
- Communication of the needs of landlords and tenants
Companies moving with their firms or who want to renovate their own property, have many requirements and preferences for the property. It is particularly important to know which benefits these should actually bring in the future - and which site and which office concept is most suitable. It is hard for business people to find out themselves what properties are available on the market and which of these would suit their company in terms of economy and area efficiency. Another hurdle is negotiations with the landlord with regards to fitout standards and fitout quality.
We shall be happy to represent you in all processes relating to the site and concept decision-making.
Our services in detail:
- Requirements analysis
- Market analysis and property comparison
- Property selection and decision
- Supporting negotiations with the landlord
- Monitoring of fitout standards and fitout quality