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Architekturbüro CSMM verbessert seinen ökologischen Fußabdruck – Reuse – Reduce – Recycle

4.9 tons of carbon dioxide per employee: Architecture and consultancy company CSMM calculates its ecological footprint

Energy consumption, used technology, printed materials, food supply and mobility flow into a complex calculation system / Managing Director Timo Brehme: "We are able to compensate for CO₂ emissions by protecting living biomass".

From the way to work to the daily cup of coffee to the printout of working materials: in the course of the current climate debate, the Munich architecture and consulting firm CSMM wanted to know what its own company's CO₂ balance sheet actually looks like. Together with the organisation Wilderness International, which supports environmental protection, CSMM conducted extensive calculations for this purpose. The sum of the greenhouse gas emissions for the company CSMM amounts to approximately 293 tons of carbon dioxide per year. This corresponds to around 4.9 metric tons per employee. ‘Climate protection is a concern to all of us, which is why our commitment goes way further than participating in the climate strike. We take responsibility for our consumption of nature.’ states company founder Timo Brehme. ‘Currently, we’re working on a concept for further improvement.’

Beratungsbüro CSMM – architecture matters – übernimmt Waldpatenschaft bei Wilderness International – Grizzlybär
Wilderness International
Fußabdruck eines Bären am Fluss im Toba-Tal – CSMM übernimmt dort Waldpatenschaft über Wilderness International
Sami Fayed, Wilderness International
CSMM-Akademie bespricht ökologischen Fußabdruck
Umweltbotschafter betrachtet gigantischen uralten Riesenlebenswald im von CSMM-Architekten über die Stiftung Wilderness International geschützten Regenwald
Wilderness International, Kamolz
Bär schwimmt im von CSMM über Wilderness International geschützten Toba Tal
Wilderness International

Press contact

SCRIVO Public Relations
Kai Oppel / Katja Kraus
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80636 München

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Corporate contact

CSMM – architecture matters
Werk 3, Atelierstraße 14
81671 München

Tel.: +49 (0)89 960 15 99-0
Fax: +49 (0)89 960 15 99-99

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