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Verleihung der Werte-Preise mit CSMM-Geschäftsführer Timo Brehme in der Frankfurter Paulskirche
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Verleihung der Werte-Preise mit CSMM-Geschäftsführer Timo Brehme
Timo Brehme und Denis Söter bei der Werte-Preis-Verleihung am 25. Februar 2019 in Frankfurt – Foto: Simon Hofmann
Events News

„Werte-Preis“ awarded in Frankfurt

CSMM congratulates the award winners

For the seventh time already, the Werte-Stiftung and Deutsche Sporthilfe invited to present the "Value Award". The leitmotif is: "Strengthening values. Promoting people. Creating ideas". We congratulate this year's award winners: the fencer Max Hartung, who assumes responsibility for the interests and rights of the athletes, the rider Ingrid Klimke, who celebrates great and lasting success thanks to a deep trust in her horses and her team, and the former world-class swimmer Mark Warnecke, who was awarded the Innovation Prize as a successful founder.

We support the values to improve equal opportunities and social cohesion. Together with its partner "Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe", the "Werte-Stiftung" (formerly: "Stiftung Initiative Werte Stipendium") helps top athletes in Germany prepare for their second career.

A circle of mentors - successful personalities from all walks of life - is available to the athletes as advisors, sparring partners and door openers. CSMM founder Timo Brehme is also involved in this way.

Timo Brehme und Denis Söter bei der Werte-Preis-Verleihung am 25. Februar 2019 in Frankfurt – Foto: Simon Hofmann
Verleihung der Werte-Preise mit CSMM-Geschäftsführer Timo Brehme
Verleihung der Werte-Preise mit CSMM-Geschäftsführer Timo Brehme
Verleihung der Werte-Preise mit CSMM-Geschäftsführer Timo Brehme
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