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We are a member now of the Verband für Bauen im Bestand

"Environmental and climate protection are the pressing issues of our time. Energy and resource consumption as well as emissions must be radically reduced - not only partially, but across the board. Individual, particularly innovative and sustainable new construction projects only help to a limited extent in achieving the sustainability goals of the Federal Republic. Ecological challenges thus become social challenges if we do not address them and take responsibility. 

Instead of tearing down and building new, we need to develop existing real estate for conversion. This reduces CO2 emissions precisely where around 90 percent of them are generated - in concrete and steel production. The problem is well known, and yet it is not least our mindset and current laws and regulations that ensure that new construction is often more profitable than building in existing structures (...) "

The Verband für Bauen im Bestand wants to change that, and so does CSMM. That's why, we are actively supporting the transformation of the construction industry.


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