A rousing celebration opened Virtual Identity's new offices, designed by conceptsued, in the Thalkirchen main train station.
The Munich office of Virtual Identity is moving away from the 'city-on-the-Isar' to the heritage train station depot, which has been restored and remodelled into office spaces. conceptsued designed a separate two-story structure inside the eight-metre high, brick hall. To improve work flows and optimise communication among staff, various meeting spots were created in the form of closed, open and semi-open work spaces. Now, creativity and discussion take place across two floors. Sliding glass doors and windows in the work zones open onto a central 'piazza' in the middle of the hall. At the head of the courtyard is a broad wooden staircase rising upwards that offers spacious steps for sitting and working with a Notebook. The walls of the building have been painted with a blackboard coating to create a giant surface for scribbling down messages, news and creative ideas. After all, even virtual creativity needs physical space.