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ADC Auszeichnung Bookazine
Change is Chance Bookazine
Change is Chance Bookazine
Change is Chance Bookazine
Change is Chance Bookazine
Change is Chance Bookazine
Change is Chance Bookazine
Change is Chance Bookazine
Change is Chance Bookazine
Change is Chance Bookazine
Change is Chance Bookazine
Change is Chance Bookazine

Newcomer at the renowned ADC Award: CSMM - architecture matters receives award for its recently published bookazine.

The planning and consulting company CSMM, which has already won numerous architecture awards, has now also demonstrated its creativity in communication design for the first time. At the prestigious Art Directors Club (ADC) awards, the company’s communication team was honored for the concept and design of the bookazine’s first issue. 

The concept of the bookazine with the title “Change is Chance” is a symbiosis of a classic book and contemporary editorial design and revolves around the topics of "New Work", "Future Downtown", and "Upcycling". On over 250 pages, CSMM’s architectural designers discuss structural and spatial challenges that arise as a result of shifts in society. A growing responsibility for climate protection paired with the rapid changes in our working environments has heightened everyone's awareness and has placed new demands on architectural design.  The past year has called for new approaches and solutions in conceptual design. “Change is Chance” has therefore become the guiding principle for the firm.

“The title “Change is Chance” not only applies to the bookazine’s content, but also to its design." says Carmen Vierbacher, Head of Communication Design at CSMM. "The individual words of the typeface are printed across the spine, front cover and page cut. Parts of the typogram are thus only readable from certain perspectives, and readers are encouraged to change their perspective and think outside the box. This feature is far more than just a typographic gimmick, as it creates an optical three-dimensionality and thus picks up on the architectural context."

Limiting the use of color and font makes the bookazine look simple and elegant both outside and inside; at the same time, variety is created through the use of different font sizes, type styles as well as typograms. Stacking two copies transforms "Change" into "Chance" and thus allows content and design to become one.

The Art Directors Club Germany is an independent association with the aim of finding and promoting excellent communication design. In an annual competition, the most creative works in German-speaking countries are honored. For over fifty years, the ADC jury has been awarding bronze, silver, gold ADC nails and awards as well as the ADC Grands Prix for excellence in all areas of creative communication - from web design to illustration, from staging to packaging, from advertising to photography.


Media contact

Contact: Nicole Vesting
Kurfürstenplatz 6, 80796 München
Tel: +49 (0)89 45 23 508-11
Fax: +49 (0)89 45 23 508-20


CSMM Contact

CSMM – architecture matters
Contact: Nina Eisenbrand
Werk 3, Atelierstraße 14, 81671 München
Tel.: +49 (0)89 960 15 99-0
Fax: +49 (0)89 960 15 99-99

Change is Chance – Bookazine
Change is Chance – Bookazine
Change is Chance – Bookazine
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