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Grundsteinlegung des Mechatronic Competence Campus von Lenze mit Ministerpraesident Laschet – Arbeitswelten by CSMM
Events News

Laying of the foundation stone for the Lenze Mechatronic Competence Campus

The ceremonial laying of the foundation stone for Lenze’s Mechatronic Competence Campus (MCC) took place in Extertal on 28/09/2018.

The location dates back to 1957, when the Hans Lenze KG engineering works was founded in Extertal-Bösingfeld. Now, with the MCC, the future of mechatronics is being developed there. The state-of-the-art development and manufacturing facility will reflect Industry 4.0.

At the laying of the foundation stone, Armin Laschet, the Minister President of North Rhine-Westfalia, gave a speech to the invited guests, as did CEO Christian Wendler, shareholder Babette Herbert and Monika Rehmert, the Mayoress of Extertal.

The MCC brings five Lenze business units under one roof. The technology centre will provide them with space for interdisciplinary work and added value areas in the work and office environments, which CSMM is conceptualising and designing.

The nature of the cooperation between mechanics, electronics engineers and software specialists particularly impressed everyone, including the Minister President.

See the video below:

Der eine wartet, dass die Zeit sich wandelt, der andere packt sie kräftig an und handelt.

Dante Alighieri

Grundsteinlegung des Mechatronic Competence Campus von Lenze mit Ministerpraesident Laschet – Arbeitswelten by CSMM
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