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CSMM awarded three ICONIC AWARDS 2023: Innovative Architecture Award

Munich, September 25, 2023- CSMM is pleased to receive a triple award at the ICONIC AWARDS 2023: Innovative Architecture in the category "ARCHITECTURE - Corporate". The coveted awards are among the most prestigious honors in the design and architecture industry. They are awarded by the German Design Council and honor groundbreaking design concepts in the field of interior design and architecture. The official award ceremony will take place on 04 October 2023 in an exclusive setting on the occasion of Expo Real in Munich. With this successful series, CSMM follows on from the ICONIC AWARDS: Innovative Interior: CSMM already received one of the coveted awards in spring 2023 for the design of the reception counter of the newly designed headquarters of Bayern Projekt GmbH in the Bavaria Towers in Munich-Bogenhausen. The projects awarded this year exemplify CSMM's broad, holistic range of work at the interface of architecture and interior design.

With its multiple award-winning, innovative office worlds, CSMM has long since secured its position as one of the leading planning and consulting companies. Alongside the revitalization of existing buildings, the development of strong-identity spatial concepts is one of its core competencies. CSMM starts at the intersection of the disciplines, because from the architect's point of view, only the consistent transformation of spaces into so-called "possibility spaces" opens up the entrepreneurial development spectrum that is sustainable in the face of indefinite occupancy and the desire for highly flexible utilization concepts. This year, three projects convinced the international jury of the ICONIC AWARDS 2023: Innovative Architecture. All three impressively create a spatial vision of the client brand and thus create important points of identification for employees and customers. Whether a singular location or a Europe-wide roll-out across several sites, the interior design concepts are characterized by economical space planning, a high degree of demand-oriented changeability and their creative impetus.

Project 1: Continuation of the architectural language of the Bavaria Towers in office design
The German Design Council awards CSMM the "Winner" distinction for the office design of Bayern Projekt GmbH. In the redesign of the headquarters in the Bavaria Towers in Munich-Bogenhausen, CSMM provided the project developer with comprehensive support: from assistance in the competition to the development of the entire interior concept for the office towers. The spatial concept of the Bayern Projekt office space extends over 500 square meters and includes work areas, conference rooms, a versatile lounge and surrounding roof terrace areas. Particularly convincing was how the footprint of the skyscrapers with their iconic curves could also be experienced inside. A classic reception counter was deliberately replaced by a sculptural form ("Meteor") made of solid surface material, which functions as an open marketing lounge and offers the opportunity to present all of the company's projects via a media wall integrated into the glass walls. As a design work, it connects the building to the brand's identity. With this design, CSMM creates an elegant and sculptural design language that emphasizes the client's commitment to sustainability. For the reception desk, CSMM has already been awarded this year in the course of the ICONIC AWARDS 2023: Innovative Interior award.

Project 2: Linklaters - Innovative Corporate Architecture through Revitalization of the Property
The project "Linklaters" was awarded the coveted award "ICONIC AWARDS 2023: Innovative Architecture - Selection". CSMM developed an innovative renovation concept for the 3,760 square meter office of Linklaters LLP at Prinzregentenplatz in Munich, which became the starting point for the innovative office concept of the renowned business law firm that is open to change. The comprehensive refurbishment of the existing building, which is under ensemble protection, proved to be a success factor: The building fabric was preserved and transformed into contemporary architecture. Thanks to the refurbishment, which was developed in close consultation with the owner, the office today has the qualities of a new building in terms of function, technology and design, and was able to assert itself even in competition with new project developments. A central design element is the generous windows and glass partitions with striking rounded corners in the interior zone, which provide increased light incidence and make the meeting spaces pleasant. The combination of high-quality materials and a well thought-out color concept create an exclusive working atmosphere and ensure that confidentiality and retreats for concentrated work and client discussions are guaranteed. The spatial concept is based on a range of work options that offer employees flexibility and agility in designing their working environment. Joint workshops and occupancy studies were conducted to analyze the working environment of the internationally operating law firm and to understand its needs. The result is a modern office space that can be used in a variety of ways, ranging from individual offices and retreats for confidential discussions to more informal communication areas.

Projekt 3: Entwicklungspotential dank Möglichkeitsraum für eigenen Standort Düsseldorf
Mit der Auszeichnung „Selection“ wurde zudem das von CSMM für seinen Düsseldorfer Bürostandort entwickelte Interior Design prämiert: Entstanden ist ein intelligentes und stilvolles Bürokonzept auf einer Fläche von 300 Quadratmetern, das einen „Möglichkeitsraum“ vorsieht.  Dank flexibel variierbarer Raumkonzepte kommt es dem wachsenden Bedarf nach agilen Arbeitsformen nach und schafft optimale Arbeitsbedingungen. Desk-Sharing-Konzepte ermöglichen, Büroeinheiten effektiver zu nutzen und Arbeitsläufe effizienter zu strukturieren. Im Medienhafen Düsseldorf, umgeben von architektonischen Meisterwerken international renommierter Architekten, bot der Bürostandort die perfekte Umgebung für CSMM, seine eigene Philosophie der Arbeitsplatzgestaltung umzusetzen. Das Büro zeichnet sich durch hoch individualisierte Räumlichkeiten aus, die Gestaltungsansätze für eine moderne Arbeitswelt widerspiegeln. Natürliche Materialien und optisch sowie haptisch hochwertige Mineralwerkstoffe, erzeugen eine angenehme und wohnliche Atmosphäre. Durch die flexible Raumgestaltung und die Fokussierung auf die Bedürfnisse der Mitarbeiter:innen wird eine inspirierende und zugleich produktive Arbeitsumgebung geschaffen, die sich den aktuellen Anforderungen anpassen kann.

"We are extremely proud that our work has been recognized three times with the coveted ICONIC AWARDS 2023," confirmed Malte Tschörtner and Sven Bietau, managing partners of CSMM. "This recognition confirms our commitment to innovative design solutions that evolve with the user:inside and our ability to give brand identities an architectural language."


Contact CSMM
Nina Eisenbrand, Head of Corporate Communications
Tel.: +49 (0)89 960 15 99-0

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